SEWW (Sun | Earth | Wind | Water) Energy is a developer of microgrids that feature renewable energy and smart grid technologies to address the security, reliability, efficiency and costs of power supply. Microgrids offer local and transportable power generation from renewable energy and other distributed sources, with bulk power grid interconnection capabilities. SEWW Energy’s Microgrid Systems are designed to complement, not compete with, a client’s economic, social and environmental needs.
We give our clients “The Power to” through energy solutions that address their specific needs. SEWW Energy’s Microgrid Systems include: 1) smart energy management system products, 2) energy efficiency, cogeneration, and distributed generation, 3) energy storage products, 4) proven renewable technologies; and 5) other advanced renewable technologies.
SEWW Energy’s microgrids serve Disaster Recovery and Emergency Response needs, the Healthcare Industry, Utility and Public Infrastructure, and provide Smart Energy Management platforms for Campus Facilities.
SEWW Energy at AABE Policy Summit with Congressman Bobby Rush-Illinois
SEWW Energy with Secretary Penny Pritzker, US DOC
SEWW Energy with East African Community Secretary General Dr. Richard Sezibera [Tanzania]